Website Relaunch!
Well, if you’re a frequent (or even infrequent) visitor to my site, you might have noticed that things have changed. Yes, my piddly little starter website has been “reconfigured” (to use a Rowan term) to offer a bit more insight into The Tapestry, the world of Rowan, the words, and pictures that comprise the growing story.
It’s been a big project and, like most big projects, has had its share of exciting, inspirational, exasperating, and exhausting moments. While I enjoy technology, I’m hardly a web-savvy person and the world of programming, CSS, wireframes, HTML, etc. might as well be magic. Fortunately, I had some heavy hitters to help me out and thus I confined my efforts to creating the content that would comprise the site.
In the new site, you can choose a charge, configure your own Rowan bedroom, tackle Tapestry trivia, and explore Rowan. Or, if you’re interested in the creative process, you can explore the illustrations in detail and learn about write and construct the story. More content will be coming – modules pertaining to character profiles, creatures, demons, and all sorts of resources or teachers who may be interested in using The Tapestry in the classroom.
Of course, the new website will be an evolution and there may still be the occasional bug or typo or tweak that needs to be made. If you have any thoughts or suggestions about how the site can be improved, please send me an email via the “Contact Author” form. I’m already kicking around ideas for the next iteration of the site and would love to supplement my ideas with yours, so please send them in if any occur to you. I’ll be sure to have a web acknowledgments page on version 2.0.