Lions and Tigers and Rumbas…Oh My!
Alright, I promised an update post-dancing lessons and I’m a man of my word.
Danielle and I opted for the special “introductory” package of lessons at the Fred Astaire dance studios in Manhattan. We arrived to see a variety of students and teachers gliding gracefully about the floor, engaged in everything from the rumba to the foxtrot to cha cha cha. Alas, there was no one engaged in Lamada…the infamous “forbidden dance” popularized on the silver screen.
Anyhow, back to the lesson. Nadia – our very patient, very skilled instructor – explained that the rumba is a stationary dance while the foxtrot is one which travels. We tried both and spent the next forty-five minutes giggling, blaming one another for missteps, and doing our best to master the basics. As I’m wont to do, I cracked jokes throughout. Nadia did not laugh. I was reminded of Monsieur Renard from Rowan….
Lesson #2 was a bit smoother. We hadn’t entirely forgotten the steps (we were told NOT to practice between lessons) and spent more time focusing on turns and transitions. Needless to say, we will not be setting the world on fire, but I’m optimistic that we won’t trip over each other. Much.
On The Tapestry front, I’m still working on Book 3 and trying to get my ducks in a row to promote/publicize it when the time comes. If you haven’t yet, please sign up as a “Facebook Fan”. On the fan page, I’ll be posting video blogs, engaging in discussions, and generally trying to capitalize on a convenient platform to talk some Tapestry. Take a peek here.
Will try to post another Blog entry before I head to Chicago for the wedding. Thanks again for all the support and well wishes – they mean the world to me!