
The Humble Homunculus

One of my favorite additions to the world of Impyrium is the homunculus, a type of creature that serves as familiars to the mystics, sorcerers, and mehrùn aristocracy. Among the various domanocti – “night servants” – the homunculus is both the most common and unique. The secret behind this apparent contradiction can be . . .

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Interview with Illustrator Antonio Caparo

Are you interested in drawing or becoming an illustrator? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Below you’ll find a conversation with the incredibly talented Antonio Caparo, the gentleman who created IMPYRIUM’s gorgeous cover. Read on to learn about Antonio’s training, his approach to making art, and where he looks to find technical guidance and inspiration. It’s a fascinating window into a professional’s vision and creative process. Thank you, Antonio!

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IMPYRIUM’s cover is here!

IMPYRIUM’s cover has arrived! Here’s a peek at the cover for the upcoming book, scheduled to be in stores on October 11th. Isn’t it beautiful? It was created by the talented Antonio Caparo, who’s done many book covers along with some artwork for Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson series. He really did a . . .

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Meet Sigga Fenn

One of my favorite characters from the upcoming Impyrium series is Sigga Fenn, newest member of the Red Branch and a native of the savage Grislands which lie beyond the empire’s borders. No longer mystic knights, the Red Branch have become cold-blooded assassins who report only to the Divine Empress. When enemies . . .

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Impyrium Updates

Sorry for the dearth of posts but I’ve been busy working away on IMPYRIUM. Here are a few characters and creatures you’ll be seeing (to scale no less!). The book is tremendous fun and I can’t wait to share it with you. I’ll be posting the cover as soon as I get . . .

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Some Impyrium characters

While I’m writing a manuscript, I’ll take a break now and again to sketch some of the characters. Here’s a drawing from two of the main players in Impyrium: Hazel Faeregine and Dame Rascha. Hazel is one of the Faeregine triplets; direct descendants of Mina I and the granddaughters of Mina XLII . . .

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Hazel Faeregine would like to trade places with you. She would like to trade places with just about anyone. Life is complicated enough at twelve without being born a Faeregine. The very name is synonymous with power, a dynasty of “Divine Empresses” that have ruled Impyrium for over 3,000 years. Faeregine magic . . .

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Pitching “IMPYRIUM”

If you want to make a living as an author, you have to think one project ahead. Even before I started working on THE RED WINTER, I was kicking around ideas for a new project — a series that would take place in “The Tapestry” world, but unfold thousands of years later. . . .

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